My name is Maria Georgiou and I was born and raised in Limassol. I am a graduate of the School of Education in the Department of Primary Education and my big love for nature pushed me to pursue my postgraduate studies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. Since 2013 I work daily with children in various programs of the Ministry of Education. At the same time, I worked as an environmental educator - researcher at the Environmental Center of the Holy Church of Limassol. I am currently working at the Salamiou’s Environmental Education Center of the Ministry of Education and at the Forest School, mainly in the Saturday programs. I am lucky enough to work daily in nature with dozens of children and we all get the chance to discover and explore its beauties together.
For me, the Forest School is like a dreamy trip. My greatest wish is to always inspire the children and discover together new things by learning from each other! The greatest satisfaction? To see the joy in their eyes every time they become one with nature. I find it incredibly interesting to watch their transformation when they are left free outside in nature to discover the richness of life by themselves.
It really feels magical to work with children outside of the four walls.
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