Forest School for Children
Children at these ages need to discover, to explore, experience, inquire, look for, think, consider, observe, discuss, ponder and wonder. This is what we do at the forest school: we give them many opportunities to do so, by designing the environment in a way that will create for them many opportunities and possibilities. Above results, we place wellbeing.
Literacy in all areas happens as kids do things. Counting, sorting, grouping, observing, exploring, synthesizing, analysing, talking, discussing, and solving all sorts of problems happen in a rich environment that ignite learning by doing. Exploration, adventure, curiosity, and discovery happen in the most natural way, which has to do with the sense of wonder which nature inspires in the fantasy of a child.
We adopt a flexible curriculum: Free, nature play and activities, as well as organized activities. Inspired from forest schools around the world, including Scotland, Denmark, Georgia, USA our curriculum fosters and endorses: The happy child. The creative child. The free child. The autonomous child. The reflective child. The responsible child. The scientist child. The curious child. The moving child. The aware child. The connected child. The thinking child. The feeling child. The sensitive child. The strong child. The empowered child. The resilient child. The well-balanced child.
The forest school is a continuation of and has evolved from the program "The School of Nature" which took place with the support of Frederick University and was inspired and led by the member of the Department of Education, Dr. Nicoletta Christodoulou (with the valuable contribution of Dr. Chrysanthi Katzi). It was organized from 2018 to 2019 with various groups of children in national forest parks of Nicosia and with the valuable support and cooperation of the Forestry Department. Today, with its new structure, the Forest School remains the first of its kind in Cyprus.
Το Σχολείο του Δάσους λειτουργεί αρχικά για παιδιά ηλικίας 3-5 χρονών. Λειτουργεί κατά τη διάρκεια μιας σχολικής χρονιάς με ωράριο απασχόλησης 7:30πμ-2:30μμ ή 7:30πμ – 4:00μμ και με τη διευθέτηση μεταφορικού αν υπάρχει ανάγκη. Η «τάξη στο δάσος» φιλοξενεί μικρό αριθμό παιδιών, γύρω στα 15-20.
We adopt Forest Pedagogy.
Το βασικό μας πρόγραμμα αναφέρεται σε παιδιά ηλικίας 3-5 ετων, αλλά οργανώνουμε δραστηριότητες και για μεγαλύτερα παιδιά κατά τα απογεύματα, Σαββατοκυρίακα και σχολικές αργίες.
The space is designed in such a way to be the main and best pedagogue of children.
Children learn in a natural way, through free play and self-led and self-directed activities, which are creatively extended, expanded and developed by the pedagogues.
Our pedagogues are trained to teach, learn and educate outdoors.
We eat healthy food in a family type environment and there is a rest area.
Children have the opportunity to experience a natural, sustainable and ecological way of learning outside the four walls of a conventional kindergarten classroom, in an environment in nature, yet very close to the city, which offers tranquility and rich opportunities for learning and whole development.